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Are you looking for a fun idea for business event?birthday?brend aktivaciju?wedding?

What is
photo booth?

Photo booth is the perfect solution for everyone who wants to take unforgettable photos with their friends, love partners, family or work colleagues. Photos in the photo booth will be printed immediately, and you are guaranteed instant satisfaction.

Why hire
photo booth?

The device is fun and makes everyone smile, from the youngest generations to the oldest generations. If you get stuck somewhere, there is always a friendly staff with you.

For what events
rent a photo booth?

Photo booth is a great activity at all kinds of events: from weddings, celebrations, to business events. It's just up to you to choose a prop you like, put on a smile, be part of a great party and create an unforgettable memory.

For what occasion do you want to rent a photo booth?

Our photo booth devices

The difference in quality is pretty obvious when you start comparing our photo booths to others you may have tried!
Neograničeno fotografiranje
Unlimited photography
Fotke isprintane odmah
Photos printed immediately
Rekviziti za fotografiranje
Photography props
Online fotogalerija
Online photo gallery


We offer you brand activations that raise the event to a higher level and create an unforgettable experience for all guests! With PhotoBox activations, highlight your brand at the event and provide your guests with an unforgettable party!

Some of our clients

We love working with well-known companies and brands on various projects and activations! Whether it's business events, festivals or team buildings, every project was a new experience and challenge for us in order to provide the best possible entertainment at every event.


Fill out the inquiry on our website - enter the date, location and type of event. We will get back to you as soon as possible, and if you choose us, we will send you an offer and agree on all the details.

Basic paket uključuje:

  • PhotoBox rental for 4 hours
  • Unlimited photography
  • Print 250 photos
  • Online gallery
  • Photography props
  • Assembly and disassembly
  • Upload to social networks and email
  • Hostess

Svi ostali paketi su nadogradnja na ovaj, a što uključuju možete vidjeti na našem webu ili slanjem upita putem obrasca.

Nakon što odlučite koji paket želite, šaljemo vam ponudu. Odmah plaćate polog u određenom iznosu te se njime vaš datum smatra rezerviranim, a ostatak iznosa plaćate nakon eventa.

Ne, uz isprintane slike šaljemo vam na e-mail online galeriju slika sa eventa.
For weddings, each package includes a USB stick with all the pictures that we send to the residential address.

Ovisno o paketu koji odaberete, imate mogućnost najma uređaja na 4h, 5h ili 6h. Ako procijenite da vam taj broj sati nije dovoljan, svaki dodatni sat se naplaćuje 50€.

Cijena najma photo bootha ovisi o paketu koji želite. Pošaljite nam upit i poslat ćemo vam katalog koji sadrži razne pakete s iskazanim cijenama.

Putni trošak se naplaćuje za lokacije koje su udaljene od Zagreba više od 50 km.

Na eventu je uz uređaj netko od našeg stručnog osoblja koje se brine o uređaju i o rekvizitima. Također, montažu i demontažu uređaja odrađuje naš tim prije eventa kako bi sve na vrijeme bilo spremno za event.

Vama želimo omogućiti bezbrižnu zabavu i zato je naš stručnu tim uvijek s vama na eventima!

Naravno! Prilikom slanja upita za event, naglasite da želite brendirani photo booth kako bismo vam poslali sve informacije vezano za brending i cijenu.

Ready to party?

Get ready for free quote today!
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